Do you credit them with your income level? Just trying to understand this logic (I see it from the right) that the government is not responsible for your inability to make money, and then turn around and say %26#039;I make more than I did seven years ago. Thanks Bush!%26#039; Personally, I feel the government is not responsible for taking care of me, but my income level is diirectly related to my job performance and choices I make. What do you think?
Do you blame the government for your income level?
A lot of it is an individual%26#039;s choices of jobs, where they live, how they live, etc. A lot of it is the Government (I am retired; the Govenment decides how much of an increase retirees get). A lot of it just doesn%26#039;t make sense. I mean, why do so many, actors, sports stars, singers, news people, get millions of dollars? And the CEOs, even of charities?
Do you blame the government for your income level?
I agree, I have worked for what I have.
Do you blame the government for your income level?
No, I don%26#039;t work for the government.
Do you blame the government for your income level?
The President is not responsible for my income level. I am.
Do you blame the government for your income level?
i am a teacher. the government chooses to pay us crappy.
Do you blame the government for your income level?
In one way it is, if the economy is booming and your company is doing well most likely you%26#039;ll earn more. It really depends on each person%26#039;s situation. They say the President has no effect on the economy if it%26#039;s bad but if it %26#039;s doing great he gets all the credit
Do you blame the government for your income level?
It%26#039;s not that I make less. It%26#039;s that gas costs have caused the cost of everything to increase to the point that my buying power is not what it once was.
Do you blame the government for your income level?
I do make more than I did 7 years ago. Considerably. It doesn%26#039;t have anything to do with Bush but everything to do with my own hard work and the government keeping the heck out of my business.
Do you blame the government for your income level?
You have it all wrong. The government isn%26#039;t responsible for my success or failure, and thanks to the tax cuts, the government is TAKING less of my money.
Do you blame the government for your income level?
I thank my government for my education GI Bill, and I have a great job. I thank my government for my income level
Do you blame the government for your income level?
Rightly so, however despite our recent economic down turn, our economy went up during the Bush administration, and while the governemnt may not help you to get a job it does influence the economy. Better economy usually equates to more money in pocket. take it for what its worth
Do you blame the government for your income level?
Never has and never will, education in your trade and hard work sets the income pace of America, and thanks to Bush us middle class earners were able to put 100 % more money into savings for old age
Do you blame the government for your income level?
You appear to be trying to make excuses for the Bush economic policies that have been ruining the economy for years. It is just not possible to base your economic ideas on supply-side economics, ignore the situation of the average American, spend money on an incredibly expensive and unnecessary war in Iraq, borrow to cover costs, decrease revenues by cutting taxes drastically for the wealthiest citizens, ignore the plight of subprime borrowers until it閳ユ獨 too late, ignore the regulation of the lending markets, etc., and expect everything to work out well.
We are all being affected by the current economic situation, whether you choose to recognize that fact. People are losing equity in their homes, money for mortgages is very tight and people will soon begin losing more jobs as the economy worsens.
Do you blame the government for your income level?
I don%26#039;t blame Bush, I%26#039;ve actually done very well these past 7 years. He has become the punching bag for everything.
Do you blame the government for your income level?
I get a pension from them, so I suppose my answer is yes.
Actually, I%26#039;m better off than I was seven years ago because I have always taken the responsibility of LIVING WITHIN MY MEANS. I own no more of a house than I can afford, I have a paid-off car with no desire or need to trade it in on a newer model for the sake of having the %26quot;latest and greatest,%26quot; and I don%26#039;t feel any deep-seeded desire to %26quot;keep up with the Joneses.%26quot; As a result, the payment on my house (where I%26#039;ve lived for 15, not the %26quot;average time%26quot; of five years before upping and moving again -- which is at the root of a lot of problems in the housing market) is less than $450 a month.
YES, I realize that people lose their jobs through no fault of their own, and that children or spouses suffer debilitating illnesses that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical bills; however, most of the problems have been caused by people playing %26quot;status symbol.%26quot; And that%26#039;s THEIR problem, not the government%26#039;s. Personal responsibility -- the beginning and end of the vast majority of problems people find themselves in financially.
Do you blame the government for your income level?
Nope... I do NOT blame the government for my income level.. it%26#039;s my fault for voting them into an office that gave them the chance to sell me out.
Do you blame the government for your income level?
Not at all, I make what I work for.
Now I do blame the government for taking so much in taxes. I have no problem paying some taxes, taxes that go too things like roads and schools. But there are a lot of wasteful social and political projects that I pay for and don%26#039;t think I should be responsible for.
Other than that, Nope how much my work is worth is my doing.
Do you blame the government for your income level?
I think you%26#039;ve mitigated too many aggravating circumstances. I am in college so I don%26#039;t care too much for my income level right now... but let%26#039;s see :
1) If the federal government taxes me 29% of my income...
2) If the state gov. taxes me 10% of my purchases...
3) if the gov prints money/borrowed money beyond its means and devaluated the dollar.. that I will have to pay...
4) Pass laws that forced companies to outsource jobs....
5) uses my $$$ on pork barrel projects...
I don%26#039;t know--IS the government to blame?
Do you blame the government for your income level?
Yes. I work for the county library. The attitudes of those in the federal, state and county governments regarding the general importance of libraries to our society directly effect my hourly wage. Personally, I feel that access to information for all, regardless of social status, race, religion, gender or age is a key component of the American dream and can mean the difference between an informed and empowered citizenry or a nation of ignorant peasants. I also believe that the main function of any national government is to make certain that the poorest and lowliest of it%26#039;s citizens have, at least the bare minimum for a decent start in life: food, clothing, shelter, education, gainful employment. I would like to think there%26#039;s more to the American promise than %26quot;Every man for himself.%26quot;.
Do you blame the government for your income level?
Not today but there are circumstances imaginable where I would like if the Euro lost all its value because our leaders messed up the economy or wasted too much resources on war. Or if I didn%26#039;t have the opportunity to educate myself because a government let the public schooling system deteriorate and private schools were too expensive.
Ultimately you are responsible for your income level first and foremost but no one lives in a vacuum. If the man outlaws your line of business tomorrow I%26#039;m pretty sure you%26#039;ll blame them for your income level
Do you blame the government for your income level?
I blame them because I could make a hell of alot more if I weren%26#039;t supporting the 10 billion f****** loser in this country who are on government sponsored social programs.
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