Saturday, June 19, 2010

Item disputed and not removed (but should have been)?

Recently I disputed a medical bill from 2004 that was in collections and of course listed as such on my credit report. There was no reason for it to have gone to collections as I had insurance that should have cover 100% of the bill (I had not heard anything so I assumed it had).

I gave the collection agency a call and explained the situation to them they said to send them a copy of the insurance info and they%26#039;d take care of it so I did.

On 02/26/08 I call to see if they received it, I was told that yes they had received it and that the account had been returned to the client and I no longer had an account with the collection agency. Which of course is a good thing.

However, today I check my exerian report to see if the dispute had been removed. It had not been removed but the item had been updated. It said something like this item was verifed on Feb 2008 listing is scheduled to continue untilll Feb 2011.

Item disputed and not removed (but should have been)?

Crazy is right...the other responders need to read your question more carefully.

The collection agency is the people who posted this to your report. If they say it has been returned, then it MUST come off your credit report.

Try to get a letter from the collector saying they no longer have your debt. Either way, file a dispute with the credit bureau and tell them this debt was not validated and it must be deleted.

Item disputed and not removed (but should have been)?

First of all- did you dispute with all 3 bureaus? You should. Second- if your insurance didn%26#039;t pay it then you owe it- so it won%26#039;t come off but will be updated. You should have gotten an E.O.B. (Explanation of Benefits) from insurance company after medical procedure which tells you what was paid. If you didn%26#039;t get that then you should have received numerous bills from the doctro/hospital before they turn it to collections. Now you are hoping that insurance will go back 4 years on a claim. Good luck- depending on policy they don%26#039;t have to - and most won%26#039;t.

Item disputed and not removed (but should have been)?

I say be proactive, contact the insurance company yourself to see if the bill had been paid by them. They should be able to provide you evidence of when the medical claim was submitted to them and when they paid it off. Provide this to the creditor, they will double check with the insurance co and remove the error, which can take up to 30 days to remove. Also, provide this directly to the credit bureaus and dispute with them.

Item disputed and not removed (but should have been)?

Are you saying that the collection agency sent the account back to the medical company? If so they have given up their right to collect the debt and they can not make that listing on your report.

Call back and verify that this is what happened, and if so get them to fax a letter stating as such. Once you have that letter, make a copy of it and send it to the credit bureaus along with your own letter explaining the situation.

That should be sufficent to solve the problem.

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