Why doesn%26#039;t someone ask them what a gallon of milk costs? a gallon of gas? a dozen eggs? The middle class is quickly disappearing and the day will soon come when there is just rich people or there are poor people. They aren%26#039;t in touch with reality. They have no idea what we go through as average Americans that are now forced to live paycheck to paycheck. With the price of gas affecting EVERYTHING, and the price of health care thorugh the roof we soon won%26#039;t be able to live. The $600 %26#039;stimulus%26#039; package isn%26#039;t money that will be spent by me to stimulate the economy. I will be forced to use it to pay off my gas credit card that I have to use to get myself back and forth to work!!! It has become a vicious cycle and frankly the state of the union is downright depressing
Why aren%26#039;t the presidential candidates asked questions that pertain to the average person??!!?
Tell me about it but do me a favor. Look up Ron Paul on google.
Why aren%26#039;t the presidential candidates asked questions that pertain to the average person??!!?
The only candidate that has the intelligence and honesty to address these issues is McCain and he does it on a daily basis.Notice the media never addresses these because the 2 democrats are so busy trying to get elected and don%26#039;t care of paltry things like the average person.
Why aren%26#039;t the presidential candidates asked questions that pertain to the average person??!!?
I supose that what they travel around the country for!! but yes that would be nice to ask those questions, and you are right, the middle class is paying for everything, while the rich get richer, and the middle class paying for everything, I think it is planed that way, and don;%26#039;t you think the $600.00 package, is ment to do exacually that, to use to pay for gas??? viscious circle ins%26#039;t it? bush%26#039;s oil money
Why aren%26#039;t the presidential candidates asked questions that pertain to the average person??!!?
Why President Bush, a wealthy man from a wealthy family care about everyday prices?
Why will most politicians, who get paid by lobbiest -care about the average person? They are all well off -
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