Thursday, June 17, 2010

My wife refuses to find new homes for her 20+ cats. What should I do?

I am not totally blameless in this. About ten years ago I bought her a kitty. Who could see this coming. The house seems to be a magnet for strays, which my big-hearted wife always seems to take in. Due to the high volume of treating feline afflictions, fixing cat injuries %26amp; of course sterilizing the little buggers that the local vet does for my wife, she has actually has a veterinary credit card. Despite this access to medical procedures, it is not unusual for a new litter of kitties to be on the way. The grand total was around 30, but a few months ago several were lost to the busy road in front of our home. My wife gets upset when i try to discuss this problem with her. She always says,%26quot;I%26#039;m taking care of it%26quot;. She has been saying tis clear back when there was only 4 cats. If she would keep them out of the house it would be an improvement. I don%26#039;t want to go into the gruesome details. It seems that she is steadfast in her position. I feel that she puts the cats ahead of her family.

My wife refuses to find new homes for her 20+ cats. What should I do?

Re-homing some of these animals is not an unreasonable request. Obviously something is keeping your wife from being able to get started on it. Without being judgmental, try to discuss with her why it is so difficult for her to get started on this. Attempt to tell her that while you are not attaching any time limit, you believe it is time for you two to sit down and create a plan of action. What measures you will take to advertise the cats, and which cats specifically she is willing to adopt out.

Don%26#039;t try to do too much at one time. If she finds it overwhelming, ask her to pick even one cat. And continue to confront the problem at a slow pace, so that she doesn%26#039;t become too anxious about it.

If she can%26#039;t even sit down and get started on this, then you need to ask her if she can tell you how the cats are affecting the overall quality of life in your home in a negative fashion. If she can%26#039;t tell you, or admit that she has a problem, then it%26#039;s hard to know how to advise you - your wife may need psychological help, and that%26#039;s a matter that needs to be handled delicately.

It%26#039;s important that you confront this with the utmost kindness and patience. You need to try your best not to put your wife on the defensive. Whenever she gets defensive, you need to calm the tension down by telling her that you love her, and that you don%26#039;t want to make her defensive, you are not judging her and only want to help solve this family problem.

EDIT: I just wanted to add that this will take time. Rome wasn%26#039;t built in a day, and getting homes for an appropriate number of cats could take years! A sign in your yard isn%26#039;t a bad idea, also leaving fliers with your neighbors in which you make a personal appeal for volunteers to take even one adult cat. Personalizing your adoption appeals will increase the chance that someone decides to consider helping you out by taking a cat. But make sure your wife is on board. Don%26#039;t surprise her in any way, as that will only increase her resistance to the project.

My wife refuses to find new homes for her 20+ cats. What should I do?

check see if family will take some in the neighbors the same the last animal shelter.

My wife refuses to find new homes for her 20+ cats. What should I do?

act like all the cat hair is causing you asthma and in order for you to get better they must go!!!!

My wife refuses to find new homes for her 20+ cats. What should I do?

Tell her you can%26#039;t save the world. There are so many cats, people, other animals in the world that are suffering, but there needs to be a limit. If she has over 20+ cats living in the house, I can definitely see how that can look like she%26#039;s putting the cats in front of family. Ask her about building a little house or something in your backyard for them together with carpet, litterboxes, and cat scratch poles, like a cat heaven. Maybe that%26#039;ll make her happy.

My wife refuses to find new homes for her 20+ cats. What should I do?

i begged my bf for a 2nd cat after a year, and he finnaly said yes.

well, we thought he was a girl, but he ended up being a boy. now that my female is pregs (the one he %26#039;kinda likes%26#039;) he threatends me w/ drownding the kittens, if i dont get her neutered/abortionated he says he will drowned the kittens.

i kinda beleive him and that scares me.

maybe something like that??

My wife refuses to find new homes for her 20+ cats. What should I do?

Crazy Cat LADY!!! My sister is the same way. She has no Children a BF, That is it. She spent over 25,000 on 1 cat that had Cancer. This fro A girl who grew up on A farm no less.

I say turn your home in to A rescue shelter and buy A new home and tell her NO pets.

My wife refuses to find new homes for her 20+ cats. What should I do?

Build yourself your own apartment in the backyard...just kidding. What you could do is let your wife pick out her 3 fixed favorites to keep; put a sign in the front yard that says %26quot;free kittens%26quot;. you could also put an ad in the paper, or talk to local farmers to see if they would be willing to adopt some to become mousers for their barns. if she is really sensitive about it, discussing it in marriage/family counseling could be helpful also.

My wife refuses to find new homes for her 20+ cats. What should I do?

You should be proud of your wife,she is a saint! The world needs more people like her.She shouldn%26#039;t let the kitties out to be hit by cars,though.

Also,re-homing is NOT as easy as people think.No one wants cats,they want kittens,and the shelters are full up with cats and won%26#039;t take them or want to put them to sleep.You get attached to them ,just like you would a person,but you wouldn%26#039;t get rid of a person,would you?

My wife refuses to find new homes for her 20+ cats. What should I do?

Leave her.

Sounds like she%26#039;s destined to be that old lonely lady with a bajillion cats anyway. I%26#039;m sure she%26#039;ll be much happier with her cats and without you nagging her all of the time.

My wife refuses to find new homes for her 20+ cats. What should I do?

Scarifice them to Satan

My wife refuses to find new homes for her 20+ cats. What should I do?

This probably isn%26#039;t very nice from your wife%26#039;s point of view, but you could call the ASPCA and report it anonymously. The cats might get more attention in another home were there aren%26#039;t so many other cats who need attention.

My wife refuses to find new homes for her 20+ cats. What should I do?

call your humane society and see how many pets a person can have,than tel them to come pick up the extras.this is your home and your childrens if any.the cats should be outside.put your foot down

My wife refuses to find new homes for her 20+ cats. What should I do?

Do you live in the city, suburbs, or country? Regardless, please, seriously, as the last two people mentioned, call AS CPA, or your local animal control agency, and ask what the law is in your area regarding the number of pets, etc. you are allowed. It sounds like she has way too many to be acceptable, so she will need to either get a license to have a shelter (your home) for the cats, or get rid of several of them.

Plus, when you have so many cats, they can become territorial, spray, etc. It truly is not healthy for so many of them to live together.

Maybe the vet can have a talk with her about getting rid of several of them.

I agree, the majority of the cats in your home need to go to homes where they will be loved and cared for, and not have so much %26quot;competition%26quot; for attention with too many cats being around, like it is currently. It%26#039;s better for their health, and yours and your wife in actuality

I wish you the best. Take care. .

My wife refuses to find new homes for her 20+ cats. What should I do?

Jeezz I feel for you. 20 cats is really to many. Are there any local ordinances about how many pets you can have? Have you talked to the vet maybe he can help out? I couldn%26#039;t even imagine what your house looks or smells like. Cleaning the litter boxes has got to take forever. Good luck!

My wife refuses to find new homes for her 20+ cats. What should I do?

It is very likely she puts the cats ahead of family and if you love her it is something you are going to have to learn to deal with or help her overcome. But no matter which way you go you are going to have to allow the cats to be a part of your life because if you don%26#039;t, you will drive her away before you can help her.

My wife refuses to find new homes for her 20+ cats. What should I do?

Your wife is well on the way to becoming what is known as a cat hoarder. While I%26#039;m sure her intentions are good, it%26#039;s clear she%26#039;s not able to keep up with looking after that many cats. You say that it%26#039;s not unusual for a new litter of kittens to be on the way, so it%26#039;s clear she%26#039;s not able to get them all neutered in time or keep them separate until they can be neutered (unless I%26#039;ve misunderstood and you%26#039;re referring to her taking in strays that are already pregnant) and that is one of the most important aspects of cat ownership. It%26#039;s of limited help to take in stray cats but then end up producing yet more cats due to failure to neuter.

Does your wife rehome any of the cats? What she%26#039;s trying to do is commendable, but if she wants to run a small rescue then she needs to rehome cats so that there is room for more. She also needs to be realistic about how many cats she can realistically care for and has space for. If she%26#039;s not willing to rehome any, then she needs to recognise that there is a limit to how many cats she can take in (for their sake as well as yours).

You can try to sit her down and have a chat to her about it all, but there%26#039;s a good chance she won%26#039;t listen. Is there another relative or friend that she would listen to? You say she has a vetererinary credit card, but are there any problems with paying vet bills? Are the cats that are having babies unneutered due to financial reasons? If that%26#039;s the case, you could look into getting some financial help to make sure all the cats are neutered.

You don%26#039;t say where you live - what country or whether you have neighbours. If you have neighbours, I imagine they may well get fed up of the number of cats living there eventually, and might even report her to animal control or the rspca. There might even be rules about how many pets you are allowed to keep in your home so maybe you could pursue that angle - tell her you%26#039;re worried that she%26#039;s going to get into trouble with the authorities for having so many cats.

My wife refuses to find new homes for her 20+ cats. What should I do?

Find a Chinese Take Away Shop and make heaps of cash...

Buy her something with the cash to take her attentions of her loss..

Or buy a dog, they are better...

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