I have an all-access gift card, www.allaccessgiftcard.com, you can check the balance there.
The credit card number is 4007 6654 1308 8787
The Exp.Date: 03/09
The CVV Number: 177
Balance: $0.31
P.S. I don%26#039;t care if someone steals this gift card number ... lol
I have a visa debit card with $0.31 left, what should I do with it?
With a new record high gas price average of $3.52, you could buy... .088 gallons of gas.
Ugh... that sucks!
I have a visa debit card with $0.31 left, what should I do with it?
wow talk about not smart at all!!
I have a visa debit card with $0.31 left, what should I do with it?
buy 3 peices of boozuka gum =D and read the comics
I have a visa debit card with $0.31 left, what should I do with it?
Let it expire. Here in California...there is a law passed that if a gift card has 10 or less, the customer can receive cash for the amount. Tho, don%26#039;t know how it would work with visa gift cards.
I have a visa debit card with $0.31 left, what should I do with it?
Could buy something for over a dollar at Burger King and just pay the difference.
I have a visa debit card with $0.31 left, what should I do with it?
Use it to create US iTunes accounts :D
I have a visa debit card with $0.31 left, what should I do with it?
You should have not given out your credit card number. Put a freeze on your credit card right away. I usually charge something and then pay the full amount when the next bills comes.
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