Saturday, June 19, 2010

Mother from Hell?

Let me say this, I love my girlfriend, and I want to marry her soon.

4 months ago my girlfriend moved back home to take care of her sister who got a brain tumor. The whole family was in turmoil, and the mother seized the opportunity to take control of her family again. She has them going to some crazy church 3 days a week, she takes large sums of money from my gf to pay off credit card dept, she is on welfare, she hates me and has told my gf that she will not give her blessing if she marries me, she said in church that she was glad that her daughter got a brain tumor because it brought the family closer together, she cries all the time when she doesn閳ユ獩 get her way, she is trying to get my gf into an arranged marriage to some numb nuts at her crazy church, the list goes on.

So two weeks ago I broke up with her because I cannot stand her mother and her church. She begged me to give her more time, so I obliged. Her mother is ruining my life. Should I just run? any advice?

Mother from Hell?

With or without your girlfriend, you need to get out of town. Tell her you will see her when the crisis is over.

Mother from Hell?

i do know that you shouldnt blame her for her mothers actions...

Mother from Hell?

give your girlfriend an ultimatum that always works

Mother from Hell?

I%26#039;d run, and run fast!

Mother from Hell?

That%26#039;s tough. If you really love her tough it out until you can%26#039;t do it any more and run away and never look back.

You gotta remember she%26#039;s hurting from her sister%26#039;s illness too. So just be there for her.... for now. Try not to make it any worse for her.

Mother from Hell?

bro if her moms that crazy u needa stay wit her cuz shell need u now more than ever u think if ur gurl loves u shes gonna let her mom arrange a marriage or change wat she feels for u hell na if ur gonna leave take her with you her mom cant stop u too from being together so let her be a crazy ******

Mother from Hell?

tell her you love her but can%26#039;t stand her mother and her religion. It%26#039;s time for her to move on in her life and either she is ready to move on with you or she isn%26#039;t. It%26#039;s really her call.

but her mother borrowing money from her to pay credit card debt is ridiculous. Her mother has issues for sure.

Mother from Hell?

Wow. Well, the first obvious question would be, how attached is your GF to her mother? That would be the most telling thing. Sit down and have a chat with her. Lay it out calmly and rationally. Remember that a girl and her mother are a touchy thing to talk about in the first place. Good luck.

Mother from Hell?


Mother from Hell?


Yeah. I would probably run. Crazy mom will be crazy for a long time. You not only marry the gf but the family. Sounds like a great holiday season with a control freak.

You need harmony in your life not this BS. When the gf figures it out maybe you will be around or maybe not. She will have to decide what she wants.

Mother from Hell?

damn sounds like my mom

u shouldnt break up with some one just because of the mom thats letting her win. try to just break off the relationship ur gf has with her mom and if that dont work break it off.

Mother from Hell?

Unfortunately you have to have a good relationship with your girlfriend%26#039;s parents/mother if you ever want the relationship to go anywhere..... I think you made the right decision in giving her some space while she deals with whatever she has to.... the fact of the matter is though, her mother sounds like she will never approve of you, and thats just not good.... You should try and move on unless your girl can help seriously turn around the situation.....

Mother from Hell?

I think you need to take a break and a deep breath. Understand that if you marry her - the mother does not go away.

SHE needs to be able to control her mother.

If you do not see her able to do that and you do not see her starting to do that , then you will then know that you should not marry her and move on and find someone else.

Mother from Hell?

wow, that sucks. talk to your girlfriend.. maybe she could talk to her mother. It%26#039;s kind of like the notebook. haha. but you should seriously think about your feelings, do u really like this girl enough to marry her and go through all the crap with her mother? anyways, hope i helped.

Mother from Hell?

Jeeze...that sounds horrible! I have a brother who had and EX mother in law with the same traits...she was HORRIBLE. She showed up at my home one night and i just laid into her. I would get away from that family, take the girlfriend. She is not a minor, right? Ask her to leave with you....try.

Mother from Hell?

Never run!! STAND UP!! Defend Yourself and YOUR GF!!

Screw that old lady who isn%26#039;t willing to give in return!!

Mother from Hell?

Tell your girlfriend how you feel. Love her for her. You dont have to like her family.....

Mother from Hell?

i think that if you really love that girl you would not have broken up with her in the first place. Just cuz of her crazy mother. But you should take her back but you should just do wat you and your gf wants to do instead of wat her mother wants to do cuz its ya%26#039;ll life

Mother from Hell?

Sounds like your in a tricky situation. However, your girlfriend has to draw a line of how much she is willing to do for her mother. Sounds like you have been very understanding and patient. She needs to step back an evaluate how she can help her family while maintaining a healthy relationship with you. However, if she%26#039;s really worth it, you%26#039;ll do whatever it takes... Good Luck.

Mother from Hell?

Well it doesnt seem like the gf is bothered by the mother%26#039;s actions enough to move away and start her life with you.

If she isnt ready and its causing so much turmoil for you, you should move on. You will fall in love again.

You dont want to be involved with someone so crazy religious... it will never end and there is no rationality to it.

Mother from Hell?

I can閳ユ獩 be with someone if I don閳ユ獩 get along with their immediate family. But that is what is important to me.

Mother from Hell?

Just ignore her mother and try to get through this talk to your gf and let her know how you feel and maybe the two of you can work out a solution. The two of you also need to make it clear to her mother that no matter what she wants it%26#039;s ya%26#039;lls life and that the two of you love each other.

Mother from Hell?

Dont run...there is alot of drama going on in that house right now... stand tall next to your girlfriend and dont let her mother push u away the mom crazy and attend one service in church at least once a week... good luck

Mother from Hell?

well i think what your GROWN AS* gf needs to do is at this point chose between you or her family.. if you really love her and want to be with her for the rest of your life then tell her that...if you dont then dont waste her time..her mother is just being stupid..i dont think your gf should pay for her mothers credit card debts.. your gf needs to make a decision...

Move to a different state or city or as far away from her mother if you have can move an hour away or so .thats what we did we moved to a different state :)

it was almost like my mother was the mother from hell and never met my fiance but talk a lot of trash about him it got to a point where i broke up with my fiance twice b/c of her until it got to a point where i had to choose between my family and him..and well i chose him... i am now really freaking happy and glad i made this decision...

Mother from Hell?

Sounds like to me she needs you and it also sounds like you love her....... Seek counseling for her because she needs it! The situation with her mother is something that you can%26#039;t touch when it comes to her mother and you need help a professional intervention................

Mother from Hell?

You may love your girlfriend, but she%26#039;s not ready for marriage.

And unless she can stand up to her mother - she will NEVER be ready to marry you - or anyone else.

That said, I%26#039;m sorry, but if you do marry this girl, you will have to deal with her mother for the entire time of it.

Thing is, don%26#039;t try to come between a she-bear and her cubs.

Sadly, you%26#039;re better off without this nest of snake-handlers.

Tell Girlfriend that as much as you love her - her family and her dependence on them has pushed you away. Tell her goodbye and make it stick. No calls, texts, emails, visits, meetings, etc. Move far away if you can - but have no more contact with her or her family or their church.

Oh - and trust me - the apple doesn%26#039;t fall far from the tree. Chances are your girlfriend will wind up being far, far too similar to her mother for comfort...

Believe me girlfriend is better off with numb-nuts from Church. Let her and her awful mother make his life miserable.

You%26#039;ll find a much more %26quot;together%26quot; woman in time.

Mother from Hell?

If you love her the way you say you do. Hang in there for the time being.. Your GF should know better than to let her mother take over her. If your GF doesn%26#039;t set things straight with her mother soon. I would let go and move on. Just give her a chance to straighten things out. There is alot going on there and a mother who wants her way. If its meant to be, it will happen.

Mother from Hell?

If you really love this girl then don%26#039;t run. Try to make peace with the miother (as impossible as that seems) but if she really loves her daughter then she willin time come to tolerate you. However it sounds like shes just using her daughter as a source of available funds. As bad as it seems right now, if your really love your girlfriend( and I mean not a speck of doubt and you%26#039;re willing to put up with her mother) then it shouldn%26#039;t matter how horrible her mother is to either of you. When you marry someone you stay with them through thick and thin. This could be just an example to test your love. Once her mom realizes how much you love her, she may cool off. Then you can move all around the world. Word of Caution though. Do NOT get married before you get somewhat of the mothers approval. To a girl, it matters more than anything if her family (especailly her mother) approves. Hopefully this will end well for you guys. Good luck!

Mother from Hell?

Tell the ********* (her mom not ur gf) that u will marry her daughter because u love her, not because her loony crackpot of a mother doesn%26#039;t want her to. If that doesn%26#039;t work, tell ur GF that its a one way ticket...U go or her insane mother does. If u want to be lass harsh, tell her to calm her mom down.

Mother from Hell?

Mother in-laws are a pain and sometimes you can%26#039;t take it anymore. You need to tell your g/f that she needs to become independent from her mom (not cut her off but limit contact) my mother in law (%26amp; father in law) is a pain (my fiance is a mommas boy) so He sees her whenever he wants but I avoid personal contact w/ her and try to only see her when necessary. In-laws suck but remember--you don%26#039;t marry your in laws (you just have to put up with some of their sh*t!).

Mother from Hell?

well give her a choice tell her if she wants u and loves you then she needs to tell her mother to back off or lose u 4ever i understand the sister is ill but what does that have to do with her it is her mothers job to take care of her daughter not her other daughters job just tell her to choose and if she cant u know your answer good luck!

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