Saturday, October 31, 2009

Help im in debt wat do i do?

im 21 years old and 8 grand in debt i owe my credit card 5000 and the rest on other things i work full time and afford repayments on all these debts but i cant find a loan anywhere no one will give me 1 i just wanna put all my debts into 1 simple plan ill be going part time shortly to care for a sick relative and do not know how im gonna manage

Help im in debt wat do i do?

you have to be careful of one %26quot;simple%26quot; plans, you can also get a carers allowance in many places if you are caring for a sick relative.

Help im in debt wat do i do?

dont worry about it get a tent and live in harmony in the mountains i do it is wonderful no stress no responsibility plus running around naked that is true freedom

Help im in debt wat do i do?

Go and get advice on how to manage these debts. Getting another loan is rarely a good way to pay off debts. Suggest you contact the Citizens Advice Bureau. They will help you put arrangements in place with your creditors. Discuss with them your proposed plan to go part time and will help you identify if there are any benefits you can claim.

Help im in debt wat do i do?

Time to cut up your credit card and quit spending beyond your means. You need to call each of your creditors and explain the problem - you%26#039;ll find that most will work with you and most will even quit adding interest if you quit charging things. Once you make an agreement with them on a monthly payment that you are SURE you can meet, set up automatic payments to them from your bank so you don%26#039;t miss a payment and tear down everything you%26#039;ve worked for.

Help im in debt wat do i do?

Lenders are much more cautious about giving loans right now due to the crash of the sub-prime mortgage market -- it%26#039;s rippled out and affected about every other financial and credit system, and the economy as a whole. They are generally much more careful about scrutinizing the borrower to be sure they can repay... and if they have doubts, they%26#039;re much less likely to offer a loan, unless on such horrible terms that you%26#039;d likely be worse off taking it.

You might try credit counseling services like ... though they may not tell you what you want to hear, they gnerally do give good advice, and do offer a debt management program also.

Help im in debt wat do i do?

That%26#039;s a lot of debt for someone your age. Since it demonstrates you do not manage your money well, you aren%26#039;t likely to get a consolidation loan - you have no assets, no collateral!

You have to stop your wanton spending and pay off these bills before you switch to part-time work. If you don%26#039;t make drastic changes right now, you will be haunted by bad credit for the rest of your life.

And stop whining about it.

Help im in debt wat do i do?

Don%26#039;t try one of those dumb %26quot;consolodate all your debts into one and have easy repayments of only....%26quot; loans. You%26#039;ll still be repaying that loan in 50 years and they will want your home as collateral (etc)

What to do.

Check with the social security for carer benefit payments you might be elegible for.

Pay off the expensive debts asap (yeah stop enjoying lifes luxuries too.. you can%26#039;t afford it)

Get a job (or a second job) that pays better.

See if any of the rest of your relatives can help you with expenses whiel you are caring for your sick relative.

Help im in debt wat do i do?

You are living beyond your means and you plan on further reducing your income. Forget about borrowing your way out of debt - that%26#039;s not gonna work. You need to:

1. Live within your means.

2. Stop charging.

3. Pay several times to minimum payments each month until you pay off the balances.

Help im in debt wat do i do?

Between the rock %26amp; the hard place. On a positive note $8k is not that much - what do you make per year.

Credit%26#039;s tight, guidelines are high, and money is short.

May be one of those %26#039;character building%26#039; moments where you need to %26#039;hunker down%26#039; %26amp; getter%26#039; done. - just bear it.

After say 6 months you may have your credit card paid down to the point you can shift your other debts over to it. This might not be smart though.

If given an opportunity pay the higher interst debts off first. AND DO NOT USE ANY ADDITIONAL CREDIT.

Help im in debt wat do i do?

Puter Prsn is quite correct, do what he/she suggests.

Help im in debt wat do i do?

Since you say you%26#039;re 鎷?000 is on %26quot;other%26quot; things, I wonder what those other things are.

If you do get a loan, know that it%26#039;s not an economic choice. You%26#039;re technically borrowing even more due to the fact they%26#039;ll front load the interest. This means that they put all the interest due over the entire loan right at the front of it. This means for an 鎷?,000 loan at 15% over 4 years, you actually pay back 鎷?,120 ish. Not very economical.

The reality is at 21, and with this much debt, you%26#039;ll need to work a lot of hours to pay this debt off. I appreciate that you have a sick relative but you may need to find out if any other family members can help care for this relative and work two jobs so you have flexible hours.

I once had 鎷?0,000 on credit cards, and I worked 3 jobs to pay the things off. Now I get stressed if there is a couple of hundred balance.

You%26#039;ve accumulated this debt, you%26#039;re going to have to get out there and be proactive to fix it.

Help im in debt wat do i do?

Lots of good advice here. First, you need to understand how expensive your life will become with bad credit, so you really understand what%26#039;s at stake. You may get this already, but trust me, $8K in debt is not at bad as a] all the examples of people with 40,50,60k in debt. b] the national avg cc debt is $13K, so keep your head up. Bad credit scores mean paying $100s more/mth for housing and cars.

Now, stop spending, stop using your cards, assess reality, is your car newer than 5 yrs old? sell it and get a reliable older used car. do you live at home? do you overpay for rent? You have to get a handle on your expenses. Start using MS money or Quicken. Why? people who do use these spend less, because now they have awareness to where their money goes.

You can do this!

Help im in debt wat do i do? need to go and get a part time 2nd job and cure your sick debt........

Help im in debt wat do i do?

BO WHOOOO im 23 and in debt 67K and i dont even own a house and i have an 8 month old and a husband LOL.... just learn to manage and live paycheck to pay check for a bit like me....

i got 2 cars 450+245

1 motorcycle 80

student loan 98

1 retail card 60

1 credit card i pay 100 but min. is 56

3 small medical collections 30

baby expensies 70

light 79.00/ water 42.53/ cable %26amp; internet 176/ gas bill 180.92

and i only get paid 13 an hour =) work 5 days a week and i get turned down for loans but LOL... unless i win the lotto no luck sooo

get a calendar, write down all your bills, what you get paid and just write all your expenses like gas and in 2 months you will know exactly what your budjet is.... i hope its better than mine.... i get left over barely 200 bucks for the month =/

any rich people out there want to donate money to me =)

sooo if i can do it ANYONE CAN =)

Help im in debt wat do i do?

First, before you set off looking for a loan, make absolutely certain that your credit report and credit score are in order. Experts have advised that a significant majority of credit reports actually contain inaccurate negative information. Therefore, by making%26lt;!--sure that you credit report is in order and completely accurate, you will be in the best position to get the loan that you need at a most favorable rate.By following these pointers, you will be able to make the quest for financing for whatever your particular needs far easier.

Second, do not settle on the first lender that comes down the pike. In the 21st century there can be some significant differences in the interest rates and other fees that are charged from one lender to the next. By spending some time shopping around, you will be in the best position to find a loan at the most--%26gt;reasonable rate around.You need to make sure that you understand all aspects of the loan, including charges and fees.Finally, if you are seeking financing, do not overkill. You need to be prudent and responsible when you are in the market for a loan.

Help im in debt wat do i do?

check out they can help you. good luck!

Help im in debt wat do i do?

Your Problem is really serious, But don%26#039;t worry check this site. This site is all about unsecured loans for people with bad credit.The main features of this site are:

* Compare over 400 UK loan Plan

* Pay nothing for 3 months

* Interest Rates Starts from 6.7%

* Loans for different circumstances

* Quick processing

* Raise Money up to 鎷?00,000

* Free quote with no obligation

Help im in debt wat do i do?

1. Pay off your highest rate cards/debts first. STOP USING CREDIT CARDS and pare them down. Revolving credit is a kiler to your budget.

2. Contact your debtors and see if you can negotiate a lower rate of interest in return for discontinuing use of the card.

3. Some agencies offer debt counseling at no charge. Check with your local social services agencies and other non-profits in the area to see if they can help or provide referrals.

Good luck.


Help im in debt wat do i do?

After read your problem we think you don%26#039;t need suggestion you need a company who help you to come out from this situation. So i directly suggest you some of the company who help you to cut off your debt.

Help im in debt wat do i do?

Opt for a debt consolidation loan: The easiest method of getting a debt consolidation loan is to utilize the equity of your home. Equity of your home is calculated and determined by the difference in the amount you have paid and the amount you owe. If the amount you have paid is more than the amount due, you can use it as collateral. This allows you to borrow money on lower interest rates. Besides, you also get tax benefit on this type of loan. Consult your tax advisor before opting for this loan.

Help im in debt wat do i do?

You can get a loan to resolve your debts from any debt consolidation company one of which I know who provide loan at lower interest is ....But you need to find a better paying job as now you are planning to go part time.

Help im in debt wat do i do?

If you have exhausted all negotiations with your creditors and have no assets or means of paying your debtors off, then going bankrupt may be a viable option.

Despite the myths and stigma attached to bankruptcy you can find out more factual details below.

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