I am in great financial distress right now and for what ever reason I couldn%26#039;t bring myself to ask him for assistance and thought since he knows I need it I would think he would at least offer.
Normally I could take care of my own situations but I am in dire need because the situation I am in will and is effecting my home, children, etc. Swallowing my pride and out of desperation I asked for his help and he told me he can%26#039;t help me. He says he doesn%26#039;t have any money. He lives with his momma. He has one credit card. His car is paid for. He has a daughter and pays child support. He has been in need and I have assisted him w/o question. I am frustrated and kind of mad with him and with his nonchalant attitude to my problem. I look at him differently now because I never had to ask him for anything til now. All responses taken with an open mind.
I never ask my boyfriend for any help since we have been together for 2 years.?
I think if he loves you he should just offer unless he too is in financial distress.
I have never asked my B/friend for money but he gives me money every time, even when i say no..So now I%26#039;m used to it. My B/friend is old fashioned (I like that about him) and believes a man should always provide for his lady no matter what.. Thank God he makes really Great money too.
Leave him if you know that , he has money and refuses to help you.He is the first person you should turn to. He has proved to you that he can%26#039;t and will not STAND BY YOU in times of need...there is no need for him at all.
This is not about the money BUT about support from a partner and he is not a partner, He is showing you that you are alone..So show him that it%26#039;s %26quot;Him and his hand from now on%26quot; if you know what i mean.
I never ask my boyfriend for any help since we have been together for 2 years.?
He is under no obligation to give you money. You%26#039;re an adult, in charge of your own affairs.
I never ask my boyfriend for any help since we have been together for 2 years.?
he may just not have the money right now ??????????
I never ask my boyfriend for any help since we have been together for 2 years.?
if he really loves you you shouldnt have to ask him for help but on the other hand he may not know and maybe waiting on you to ask. But he may not have the money to help with
I never ask my boyfriend for any help since we have been together for 2 years.?
sorry to tell you that you just found out the hard way that your boyfriend doesnt consider you truly his girlfriend or else he would have your back no matter the problem.....people who really love each other are selfless when it comes to helping them out of trouble whether its emotional, physical or financial. He should be helping you without you asking him...the fact that you had to ask and he made up excuses means he just dont see your problems as his problems.
dont depend on him as he%26#039;s proven he undependable....i hope you find some other way to get the help you need but in the meantime leave the loser behind....you sound like you have enough problems in your life.
I never ask my boyfriend for any help since we have been together for 2 years.?
Your boyfriend has an obligation to his daughter first and foremost. He isn%26#039;t married to you, so he doesn%26#039;t have any obligation to you.
Now.... that being said... I%26#039;d think that his desire would be to help you out as best he can. Since you aren%26#039;t married.... this MIGHT be giving you a view of what you could expect if you were to marry this dude. Real men help out their women.... this guy doesn%26#039;t.
You are going to have to look for solutions to your problems that don%26#039;t involve help from this guy. And please consider yourself lucky that you found out about this guy before you married him, or moved in with him.
I never ask my boyfriend for any help since we have been together for 2 years.?
he should be supportive, especially if you have done the same for him in the past. he should be understanding, tell him to get his priorities right.
I never ask my boyfriend for any help since we have been together for 2 years.?
if he cared he would move heaven and earth to help you.... He lives at home ,no car note,child support, he probably has money in the bank...... strange....
I never ask my boyfriend for any help since we have been together for 2 years.?
You have just learned exactly where you stand in your bf%26#039;s list of priorities, and it%26#039;s pretty low. I%26#039;m sure he likes having you around when you%26#039;re fulfilling some need of his, but now that you have a need, he sees you as darned inconvenient. He has shown his true colors; he is not a reliable man. He%26#039;s just a boy playing at being a man. Given that, I hope you can see that there is no future with this guy. It is time to say good-bye to him forever.
When I was dating the woman who would later become my wife, I helped her financially when she needed it. I even bought her a used car. I saw that she was a hard worker who just needed a little help, and since I loved her, I gave her the help she needed, gladly. Just FYI, we will have been married for 21 years next month.
I never ask my boyfriend for any help since we have been together for 2 years.?
There is no reason why you shouldn%26#039;t be able to ask your boyfriend of 2 years to help you if you really needed it. Especially since you have helped him when he needed it. I had the same situation. Anytime my boyfriend needed help I was right there for him. Yet - anytime and I mean anytime I needed help from him he always had an excuse not to help me.(and it wasn%26#039;t very many times that I asked him believe me - I am very proud and independent like you) If he knew your situation he should have come to you and offered anything. But he didn%26#039;t - you shouldn%26#039;t even have to ask. You should look at him differently - because just by that one little thing you can tell what kind of a partner he will be. I am not kidding about that. I lived it. I am sure you have done lots of other things for him too.
I never ask my boyfriend for any help since we have been together for 2 years.?
He should want to helpful to you and your needs especially since you have been there for him and had his back for 2 years.He is selfish and looking out for number one HIMSELF.Sorry I know it hurts
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