i%26#039;ve had a business of almost 12 years thats left me practically bankrupt and left with a huge debt! i have no job coz no one will take care for my 2 year old and i dont have money to pay for nanny, my husband has only a meager income to support our daily needs. we have a lots of lawsuit due to bouncing checks and it really eats up all our being. i had a bad credit record and declaring bankruptcy for protection is not a good idea in our country%26#039;s system many of our friends left us coz we%26#039;re nothing even some relatives too. our house that we are in are about to be sheriff soon and i had 2 children to feed. i need a source of income that doesnt need to leave my children at daycare. what will i do? help me before i do something terrible to end up my misery, please help!!
please no criticsm and negative feedback, i know that it happened because of bad decision in our business before, all i need is a good advice/help how to recover and go on with my life. thank you
PLEASE HELP! What should i do?!?
What country are you in? This sounds like a clear-cut case for bankruptcy. Your credit is all ready ruined, so bankruptcy won%26#039;t make it any worse. What it will do is force you to live off the cash you make and that%26#039;s all. It is a good lesson to learn how to live within your means. In 8 years, it will be off your record and you can start over by being more disciplined with your spending.
You could try to do daycare on your own, but there are a lot of liabilities with that and if you%26#039;re in financial trouble, people will probably not give you any business. Perhaps you should get a job working second or third shift so that one of you is home with the kids while the other is working? What about moving? Do you live in a part of the country where it is expensive to live?
Without all the details of your situation (how much you make and all that) it%26#039;s hard to give advice. There ARE solutions. You just need to find them and make the necessary sacrifices to get to those solutions. Good luck.
PLEASE HELP! What should i do?!?
well there are many places that give free daycare- just call around and look, and as of right now i think you need to find a different job and get back on track
PLEASE HELP! What should i do?!?
Sell your bussness
PLEASE HELP! What should i do?!?
get cerified in medical billing at allied schools online course. They will go thru sallie mae and its only 10 a month.
PLEASE HELP! What should i do?!?
Start your own daycare. Claiming bankruptcy is not the end of the world you know. It forces you to live within your means for 7-10 years. Claiming bankruptcy may in fact save your mental health.
PLEASE HELP! What should i do?!?
Work an opposite shift of your husband so that you can share child care responsibilities. While you are at work, he%26#039;s home with them, and while he%26#039;s at work, you%26#039;re home with them.
And Don%26#039;t whine that you can%26#039;t do it for whatever lame excuse you come up with - you don%26#039;t really have a lot of choices. Your kids need a roof over their head. Suck it up.
PLEASE HELP! What should i do?!?
Why can%26#039;t your husband stay home with the kids? If he is only bringing in a small amount of income then maby you could be out in the work force and bring in more then he has.
Or why can%26#039;t you both work. One of you could work a day job while the other works a night shift. This way someone is always home with your child.
Not everyone can afford day care. So maby for the next 3 years or so, you both need to start working hard!! In a couple of years your two year old will be in school and not needing day care.
Stop focussing on a way to stay at home and make money. get up, go out and make your family a real income.
Hang in there. Life is never easy, we all have to work hard to get to where we want to be. The key is never giving up. There are many single moms working two and three jobs to provide the needed income for daycare. You are not alone.
PLEASE HELP! What should i do?!?
PLEASE HELP! What should i do?!?
Sweeite take a breath, accept what is happening and know that you are not the only person in this boat. But do know that you are hard working and make it through this for yourself and for your children. Note: Nothing will cure this overnight! Only time can mend.
Sell what you can, get a job that has a daycare or provides daycare assistance and Never EVER life outside you means again.
Good Look!
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