Saturday, October 31, 2009

Judgment question?

A medical hospital place has placed a judgment on me it was placed as of mar 2007 i just found this out by checking my credit ok i was 16 in 2002 when i had a wreck i was under my parents care at that time underage yes i was the one treated but wasn%26#039;t it my parents responsibility to pay this not mine due to the fact i was underage. yes they placed the judge when i was 20 but i never received anything for me it was always for my dad to pay them it shows on them. My question is can they do that cuz i was underage at the time when the bill was made.

Judgment question?

I would get a lawyer. I do not see how they can charge a minor with this debt or how they could have listed you as the responsible party at the time the medical treatments were received. You may even be able to counter sue.

Judgment question?

A medical judgment is usually placed if a car accident happened and there is a possibility you may sue. They want money for your medical care. Don%26#039;t worry about it.

Judgment question?

A minor can be held liable for debts incurred for %26quot;necessities%26quot;. Medical treatment is a necessity, so you can be held liable for medical bills.

But... a hospital doesn%26#039;t place a judgment on you, a court does. In order for that to happen, the hospital had to sue you. Since you were 20, you%26#039;d have been sued in your own name, even though it was for a debt you incurred as a minor. It may be possible, since you say nothing ever came for you, that you were not properly served, and might be able to get the judgment reversed.

In addition, if the injuries were the result of a car accident, then the auto insurance of the at-fault party should have paid the bills (Even if you WERE the at-fault party).


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