Saturday, October 31, 2009

Why does everyone keep calling "ILLEGAL" immigrants cheap labor?

Cheap Labor ?

Isn%26#039;t that what the whole immigration issue is about?

Business don%26#039;t want to pay a decent wage,

consumers don%26#039;t want expensive produce,

Government will tell you Americans don%26#039;t want the jobs

but the bottom line is cheap labor.

The phrase %26quot;cheap labor%26quot; is a myth, a farce, and a lie.

There is no such thing as %26quot;cheap labor.%26quot;

Take, for example, an illegal Mexican who sneaks in here with his wife and five children.

He takes a job for five or six dollars an hour.

At that wage with six dependents he pays no income tax, yet at the end of the year if he files income tax he gets an %26quot;earned income credit%26quot; of up to $3,200 free.

He qualifies for Section 8 housing and subsidized rent,

He qualifies for food stamps.

He qualifies for free (no deductible, no co-pay) health care.

His children get free breakfasts and lunches at school.

He requires bilingual teachers and books.

He qualifies for relief from high energy bills.

Why does everyone keep calling %26quot;ILLEGAL%26quot; immigrants cheap labor?

Your family started off the same way. Also, I noticed all of your questions revolve around race, legal/illegal issues and class. Your proudcaucasian self should remember how your family in America had it even easier. You arrived here and turned all African Americans in to slave for your benefit and then you have the decency to call your self %26quot;proudcaucasian.%26quot; Is this the only way you identify yourself? And dont tell me that blacks and hispanics do the same. Who ever identifies himself/herself in terms of his/her race is shortchanging the true selves that lie within. Find a hobby. Stop worrying about race, class and ethnicity.

Why does everyone keep calling %26quot;ILLEGAL%26quot; immigrants cheap labor?

You are so right on the money with this one. Only one problem though. Illegal Immigrants (at least in my area), won%26#039;t do day labor without being paid at least $10/hr, and usually closer to $12-$15.

Why does everyone keep calling %26quot;ILLEGAL%26quot; immigrants cheap labor?

You are so right. Keep passing this info on every chance you get. e-mail it to everyone you know.

Why does everyone keep calling %26quot;ILLEGAL%26quot; immigrants cheap labor?

Don%26#039;t forget free legal

Why does everyone keep calling %26quot;ILLEGAL%26quot; immigrants cheap labor?

they call them ilegal imagret becuz they are IMAGRET WHO COME TO OUR COUNTRY ILLEGALLY. no one ask them too they just bring their crime and problems to us to fix...they know nothing about birth control.... bush has the right idea as to how to deal with these criminals. they are not much diff then terriosts.

Why does everyone keep calling %26quot;ILLEGAL%26quot; immigrants cheap labor?

Where have you been! Right on and Amen.

Why does everyone keep calling %26quot;ILLEGAL%26quot; immigrants cheap labor?

Thank you.

Why does everyone keep calling %26quot;ILLEGAL%26quot; immigrants cheap labor?

Been saying that for years. They get all thoughs thinks and they buy nice carsand trucks with the money the don%26#039;t have to use to pay for all those things you mentioned and they get them at the auto autions or pay cash from private sellers and then don%26#039;t buy insurance or cancel it after they register the vehicle. Then they run from the scene of an accident if they can and if not they just do it all over again as often as needed. And don%26#039;t forget no license to begin with.

Why does everyone keep calling %26quot;ILLEGAL%26quot; immigrants cheap labor?

First if they are illegal they dont qualify for any goverment aid. Most of the aid they get is from the state or rivate institutions. While some illigal immirants get 10 dollars an hour or more it os becaouse they do hard jobs. Even if they qualify for all the things you say they do does not mean they claim them. As for the criminal acts there was a statisctic that showed that while one hispanic may be involved with drugs in the ghetto there are five caucasians doing the same in the suburbs. They are cheap labor becaouse most of the time they end up being pain minimun wage. They contribute million in sales taxes as well as the unidentified SS folder which has millions in return for non existant SSN.

Why does everyone keep calling %26quot;ILLEGAL%26quot; immigrants cheap labor?

Employers that hire them should pay huge fines and the head of the company should do jail time.

Why does everyone keep calling %26quot;ILLEGAL%26quot; immigrants cheap labor?

Please get your facts right!

Families do not come here intact. The husband comes and when he can no longer afford to go home to his family and pay for a coyote to get back, he sends for his wife. Then they both work and send for their children--usually one at a time.

Taxes as well as medicare and FICA all come out of his paycheck. He cannot file for an income tax return because the IRS kicks out returns with social security numbers that do not match the real person that the number belongs to. (When undocumented aliens buy social security cards they pick random numbers that they can easily remember).

They do not qualify for section 8 housing because you must be a permanent resident or US citizen. In either case you must prove your source of income with tax documents.

If the father is in the home they cannot get foodstamps. Foodstamps are only issued for the children, all of whom must have birth certificates and current shot records.

He cannot get free medical care. Even permanent residents with all the proper documentation cannot get Medcaid. The only exception is in the event of an emergency such as an accident at which time emergency medicaid is provided but limited by time and the existing condition. The children do not get Medicaid although some states have alternative programs.

Any child in America who comes from a low income home qualifies for free or reduced school breakfasts and lunches. That money is provided through the Department of Agriculture. (The same department that provides food to hungry children all over the world).

Though he may need bilingual teachers and books they are not provided. Just ask the number of teachers in public schools who must use children to translate for adults.

I understand your frustration but before you make such sweeping remarks you should do your research. What I have written here is the way the system works in CA, VA, AZ and SC as well as several other states.

Why does everyone keep calling %26quot;ILLEGAL%26quot; immigrants cheap labor?

maybe cuz they are

Why does everyone keep calling %26quot;ILLEGAL%26quot; immigrants cheap labor?

When did illegal immigrants start paying taxes? That%26#039;s what I was thinking they don%26#039;t. So where are you getting your false info from?

Why does everyone keep calling %26quot;ILLEGAL%26quot; immigrants cheap labor?

the only thing i can say is dirty dirty mexicans

Why does everyone keep calling %26quot;ILLEGAL%26quot; immigrants cheap labor?

yeeeeeesssss but they do the shitty jobs that whitebread americans wont do.......

Why does everyone keep calling %26quot;ILLEGAL%26quot; immigrants cheap labor?

Good point, but you didn%26#039;t hammer it home - WHY?

Because they get to control their workforce - they don%26#039;t have to worry about turnover and such, it%26#039;s paid SLAVERY.

The south is crying for people to purposely make it look like we need them, we don%26#039;t - you%26#039;ll never see them close up.

Think about it. Your on a job with all other illegals - who owns where you live, work, you job and access to all that stuff. THE BUSINESS. If they don%26#039;t like you, you are out of luck and have to go back or find another place just like it.


I read an article on WalMart that this woman said she couldn%26#039;t afford to feed her children and if she didn%26#039;t get a raise she%26#039;d have to look for another job. THEY PULLED OUT ALL THE WELFARE AND SOCIAL SERVICE NUMBERS AND TOLD HER TO CALL.

That%26#039;s how cheap labor makes better profits now - the system works BECAUSE OF THE WELFARE STATE.

Why does everyone keep calling %26quot;ILLEGAL%26quot; immigrants cheap labor?

The economy does NOT depend on illegal aliens.

Sure, greedy CEOs (making $50 to $150 MILLION a year)

and business owners depend on illegal aliens.

The only thing illegal aliens are contributing to is the collapse of our economy and making the rich richer.

Again, it%26#039;s CEOs and business owners who benefit from taxpayer subsidies for their illegal alien workers.

Consumers are NOT benefiting from lower labor costs.

The Center for Immigration Studies estimates that the average Mexican illegal alien costs U.S. taxpayers a whopping $55,000 each.

Wealthy farmers and landowners

have always considered slavery as a birthright.

Since the Civil War, it has been denied to them,

But they got it back

with the WTO GATS - FTAA - NAFTA - CAFTA - agreements.

And therein lies the strategy

for addressing the question of illegal aliens,

the so-called 閳ユuest worker閳?programs,

the sale of American citizenship for profit

and the destruction of the lives of American citizens who are being crushed financially, emotionally and spiritually

by the WTO trade agreements

We have to start calling it what it is -

Slave Trade

and we need to dig out our blue uniforms

and fight the war against the Slavers once again.

Why does everyone keep calling %26quot;ILLEGAL%26quot; immigrants cheap labor?

1st of all he can%26#039;t claim Earned income even if his kids r citizens, just the law. he can%26#039;t get public assistance either, because he isn%26#039;t legal, yes he gets ss %26amp; medicaid taken out if he%26#039;s on payroll, %26amp; yes most are. %26amp; yes he does do jobs that don%26#039;t require much skills or education. the cheap labor is at the expense of the employer, but the tax payers do end up footing the bill. i don%26#039;t agree w/ illegal immigration, but i don%26#039;t think they can all b deported either. our gvmt. has encouraged immigration legal/illegal for yrs. %26amp; they or we as Americans haven%26#039;t taken any action to stop or tighten our borders. who%26#039;s fault is it really ours or theirs? ppl can only do harm to u if u allow them too, %26amp; dam the US seems to let everyone have a piece of the pie. but now that the politicians need an easy out %26amp; conservative vote, well the illegal immigration issue has been blown up like this happened over night. LOL.. they do buy houses, pay taxes, ss %26amp; meidcal expenses, take vacations, etc. etc. by the way i%26#039;ve seen many legal Americans using food stamps %26amp; medical cards for yrs %26amp; they keep having babies to keep the $ rolling in. so it goes both ways.

Why does everyone keep calling %26quot;ILLEGAL%26quot; immigrants cheap labor?

well said!

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