Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Ok Ok packer fans I took it to far??

Im sorry I didnt realize you guys would take it so hard.I just have to deal with this crap everyday people bagging on my team and now they can shutup.I didnt care if the bears lost 12 games this year I just wanted them to beat the pack twice.your right your in the post season and my teams not..o well you guys get the credit your the nfc north champs.Im sorry about the comments i meant 2 questions ago..thsi was a huge game for us bear fans.i would understand if you lived in a small town and got this crap everyday from packer fans.but i did take it to far my bad.

merry christmas

Ok Ok packer fans I took it to far??

aww dude don%26#039;t apologize! that%26#039;s the best thing about sports is getting to talk crap to people. if they can%26#039;t take it then that%26#039;s their problem. i%26#039;m a huge Packers fan and the Bears really handed us a good whoopin%26#039; today but you know what it%26#039;s ok, it%26#039;s just a game it%26#039;s not the end of the world nor the season.

Ok Ok packer fans I took it to far??

Why don%26#039;t you learn how to spell?

Ok Ok packer fans I took it to far??

So, what was the question?

Ok Ok packer fans I took it to far??

I feel for ya. Apology accepted.

It was a huge game for Bears fans. Maybe now people will realize that special teams and defense can win games.

Let%26#039;s hope the Pack can beat the Cowboys!

Ok Ok packer fans I took it to far??

I%26#039;m glad you apologized. I%26#039;m not a Packers fan, but I knew I had to stand up for them after you said all that junk.

Apology accepted.

Ok Ok packer fans I took it to far??

. . . . one of the few sincere apologies ever to be in the sports section . . . . you just matured some today my son. ;)

gl %26amp; peace!

Ok Ok packer fans I took it to far??

Hey, it%26#039;s a big rivalry. Anybody can get nasty. It%26#039;s just amazing how the Bears step up their game when they play the Packers.

We played horrible today, and I admit that. Good game.

Merry Christmas to you too!

Ok Ok packer fans I took it to far??

Whatever...your apology doesn%26#039;t mean anything...

You clearly set out to annoy, otherwise you wouldn%26#039;t have posted your rant twice, especially with so much venom the second time.

Just be happy that the Bears got the sweep and don%26#039;t be such an idiot.

Ok Ok packer fans I took it to far??

I don%26#039;t remember if I answered your question. Isn%26#039;t a little trash-talking to be expected? Just don%26#039;t carry it too far. Like using adult language and sexual harrassing comments.

Ok Ok packer fans I took it to far??

No you didn%26#039;t......

Ok Ok packer fans I took it to far??

Merry x-mas to you as well!!!!

Bears played a great game and beat the division rivalry. Great booster for the Bears by beating the Pack!!!!

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