Thursday, June 17, 2010

What do you tell someone who has no conscience, and does mean things to you? We brought him to a cli

they say he is Bi-polar. I have known people who were bi- polar, they don%26#039;t do any of these things...

The doctors have him on meds, and in therapy. He does some strange things, Also, if you confront him about his %26quot;behavior%26quot; he cries, and says %26quot;he won%26#039;t do it again, and he%26#039;s sorry.%26quot; This went on for months. It%26#039;s all an act....

Also, he stated he%26#039;d pay some bills on a certain date, then doesn%26#039;t do it. He is on %26quot;check systems%26quot; now.

We don%26#039;t spend time with him anymore, we avoid him, he%26#039;s got a temper. Is there someone that has been through this? No drugs are involved..

He also messed up my friends credit, by saying he%26#039;d write a check for her cell phone bill, (he ran her bill up to 200 dollars), knowing his account had no money in it...... he could care less. He went out that same day, and bought himself a new cell phone....

Do you know anyone that doesn%26#039;t have a conscience? We found out his father has no conscience either, what would you do ?

What do you tell someone who has no conscience, and does mean things to you? We brought him to a clinic,?

your friend or ex-friend displays Antisocial Personality Disorder.


A person with an Antisocial Personality diagnosis will exhibit several if not all of the following traits:


Common characteristics of people with antisocial personality disorder include:

Persistent lying or stealing

Constant difficulties with the law

Often violating the rights of others.

Drug or alcohol addiction

Violent and aggressive behavoir

Agitated depressed feelings

Connot tolerate being bored,always restless and unsettled feelings

Has no regard for the safety of himself or others

Always getting in trouble as a child

They show no remorse for their hurtful actions



They have a feeling of entitlement

Rarely makes or keep friends

Shows no feelings of guilt

People with Antisocial personality do not like or respect authority figures.


there is little hope for turning these people around. they usually came from parents who gave them little love or affection. they mellow more as they hit thier 40%26#039;s and 50%26#039;s and beyond. but they need to accept the diagnosis of thier ways and must cooperate and take meds along with seeing a counselor they can trust and get along with. counseling should continue nearly all thier life. difficult i know. i have been working with this type of client and i also know the man. he%26#039;s in prison now for another 5 months due to his 5th dui. he did get well while he was in support group and getting help. but he strayed from counseling and wound up in prison. tough.

What do you tell someone who has no conscience, and does mean things to you? We brought him to a clinic,?

He is a sociopath. They have no feelings for anyone but themselves. Cut him out of your life. You cannot change him.

What do you tell someone who has no conscience, and does mean things to you? We brought him to a clinic,?

Possibly a sociopath. Here%26#039;s a link with characteristics.

What do you tell someone who has no conscience, and does mean things to you? We brought him to a clinic,?

i think he needs to be treated in a closed environment for a while like in an institution

What do you tell someone who has no conscience, and does mean things to you? We brought him to a clinic,?

What you are probably dealing with psychologically is a %26quot;sociopath%26quot;. This can be just frustrating, or it could be extremely dangerous. The problem is you can never tell and nobody will be able to predict the actions of these types of people. They are ONLY self serving, and feed on the weak psyche of the people in his life. You will endlessly try to put the pieces together of a puzzle that has no meaning, no rhyme, and no reason beyond the person%26#039;s own self gratification, which, in reality, is NOT gratification, just a hollow existence where there is no consequence, just cheap thrills. If you tried to get this person professonal help, and it%26#039;s not helping, you need to sever ties. Scott Peterson was a sociopath.

What do you tell someone who has no conscience, and does mean things to you? We brought him to a clinic,?

Your explanation was a little confusing, out of order but about him having no conscience it sounds like he has Antisocial personality disorder (sociopath)

If he is your friend try keeping in touch with him but explain you can%26#039;t be as close to him unless he really gets help and sticks with it.

What do you tell someone who has no conscience, and does mean things to you? We brought him to a clinic,?

hold on niki i know where this is going give me a little time.

try this if it will help you with seeing the problem. or go to the WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION (WHO). it is a big place to search but if you make time i%26#039;m sure you%26#039;ll find icd10 classifications.

regards david.

in addition niki girl, a psychiatrist%26#039;s guide to personality disorders is called %26#039;the mask of sanity%26#039; by dr robert hare. dr hare%26#039;s work is used internationally as a set standard..

you can download the pdf 600 page book from microsoft groups / psychopath. it%26#039;s free - or was.

What do you tell someone who has no conscience, and does mean things to you? We brought him to a clinic,?

its seems like he has this genetic family mental attitude, well i dint think so he will ever try to change himself because he doesn%26#039;t want to, he likes what he is and at some stage i can say he must be a manipulative guy also, i dint think so he needs any sympathy of friendship help because he is used to of these things and yes some people out there are like him that exists with this behaviour. its good to avoid this kind of peole because he may turn out to be danger to you guys and wont feel sorry even.

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